Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Coming down to the wire....

The election is, finally, only a week away.
This is a usual emotion in me every four years, beacuse we have by this time been innundated with so much political rhetoric and bullshit that most Americans at this time only want the damn thing over so we can stop looking at the candidates on everything from the TV to cereal boxes (ok, ok, I have never seen a candidate on a cereal box either, but I assure you that it is not far off).
Anyway, I will admit here and now that I will be casting my vote for the President. While I think that he has his faults, I do admire that when he makes a decision, he sticsk to it. None of this "well, I felt this way then, but feel this way now" crap that Kerry keeps spouting. The man irritates me. He keeps saying that he has "plans to fix the war in Iraq, the economy, and social security" along with everything else, but he NEVER ACTUALLY TELLS US HOW HE IS GOING TO DO IT !!! Drop me a hint here....
You know how he will do it? I will tell you.
Yes, he will raise taxes. Every President has, so get used to it. However, the people who are going to pay for all this are not the rich and powerful that he proclaims will pay more taxes, no, it will be the middle class citizens, you and me, who will shell out the money.
But, it is not the domestic issues with Kerry that worry me, it is his international plans. The United States is the lone superpower in the world, whether we like it or not. Therefore, while I do not think that we should be the world's boy scout, I think we should have a little more say in international policies. It is called "Pax Americanis" - loosely translated, "peace on our terms". If the world doesn't like it, tough.
For instance, for all of you who questioned Bush invading Iraq, think of this. What would Europe look like now if Hitler had been removed from power when he started his little "campaign" against the rest of the world? A lot more people would be alive today. Saddam was a butcher who committed genocide on his own countrymen, and while no WMDs could be found, who knows who he was hiding in his country and how much $$$ he was spreading around to other terrorists? At least GWB had the stones to go after him and do something about it. I have a sinking feeling that Kerry would not have had the fortitude to make such a decision. Beleive me, if he had chosen to invade Iraq, he would have called the troops back when they were half-way there anyway, when he changed his mind when people complained about it.
Anyway, I will get off of my soap box and get back to work.
I urge eveyone to vote their conscience on November 2.

Keep the faith.

The Commissioner

P.S. Mucho thanks to my co-worker Squishles for giving her thoughts to this essay as well.


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